7:20 AM Student admission for breakfast begins

8:00 AM Instruction begins

8:05 AM Tardy  

8:25 AM Partial Day Absence excusable with official healthcare note

2:30 PM Early release ends 

3:20 PM Dismissal 


Partial Day/Full Day Absences

Late arrivals at 8:25 AM or later & early release require an official document to be submitted to excuse loss of instruction time. Full day absences, for a justifiable reason, may be excused with a parent's note, healthcare note, government document for a citizenship appointment or court order for up to 3 consecutive days; additional days require a healthcare note or court order to excuse loss of instruction time. Early release is 10:00 AM- 2:30 PM.


For absences, Email lakewoodattendance@dallasisd.org with an Official Document or Parent Note with the following information (Student Absence Note Example):

  • Student's name
  • Reason for absence
  • Date(s) of absence
  • Parent contact number and or email

Submit documentation within 3 days of a student's return to school.  


Justified Absences

  • Illness - parent note will cover up to 3 consecutive days
  • Medical or Dental Appointment - healthcare note required
  • Death in Family - service documentation
  • Observance of Religious Holiday - indicate holy day observed
  • Citizenship Appointment - not passport appointments
  • Court Required Appearance 


3 or more unexcused or T99/Partial Day absences will trigger Attendance for Credit & the Dallas ISD Truancy Department DISD Truancy Department Parent Services

Truancy Quick Reference Guide


Attendance for Credit: According to Texas State law, each student must be in attendance 90% of the days the class is offered. The implementation of the Attendance for Credit Initiative is to ensure that all students are in attendance 90% of the time a class is offered to certify successful accrual of final grade.


ATTENDANCE for CREDIT TX State Law Students must be in Attendance 90% of the instructional days


Texas Compulsory Attendance Law-Official Notice and General Attendance Agreement Pledge: Per state mandate, our district must provide parents with the Texas Compulsory Attendance Law-Official Notice.

Texas Compulsory Attendance Law Official Attendance Notice

Ley de Asistencia Obligarotia en Texas Notificacion Oficial


General Attendance Agreement Pledge: The state also mandates our district to request that parents/guardians complete and sign. The pledge is to be submitted to the campus as soon as possible. Please feel free to email the Pledge to Ms. Alba at sserna@dallasisd.org in the Office of Attendance at Lakewood Elementary. 

General Attendance Pledge

Asistencia General Promesa


For Questions, contact our CRC Staff:

Ms. Perez (A-L): nperez@dallasisd.org

Ms. Herrera (M-Z): erherrera@dallasisd.org