Dear Stallion Families,
I hope you are each having a wonderful summer full of joy, laughter, quality time, and hopefully some cool air! I sure have missed the bustling sound of student learning throughout our hallways. As we begin to gear up for the 2022-2023 school year, we are excited to announce our new school theme, “And the beat goes on.” This will be a fun musical theme that represents a continuation of the amazing progress and growth we have made together over the past few years. We are excited to continue our momentum and focus on building lasting connections, developing leadership and advocacy for all, and excelling in academic growth and mastery.
I know many of you are anxiously awaiting news of your child's 22-23 Lakewood teacher. We are working to have that information for you prior to the meet the teacher date (August 11 - more details below). You may also get a special phone call from your new teacher in August, so make sure your contact information is up to date on As a reminder, the process of placing our students in their new homeroom classes is very important to us. While I know that some parents may be asking for class changes, unfortunately we cannot make any adjustments for homerooms. We must consider the various input provided in the spring to meet each child’s unique needs, as well as the even distribution of students in each class. As the school year begins in August, we ask that you use the following campus procedure to address any concerns with your student's class placement.
- First, reach out to the teacher directly with any concerns or needs regarding your child's experiences. We are all learning together and there will be an adjustment period.
- If after reaching out to your teacher you still have concerns, please reach out directly to their administrator:
LeAnna Bentley: (3rd -5th)
Melissa James: (K-2nd)
Finally, with student safety on the top of many of our minds and hearts, I would like to share some very exciting news. Thanks to our amazing Lakewood Early Childhood Parent Teacher Association (LECPTA) and the advocacy of our SBDM facilities chairs, David Pearson and David Diederich, our community has funded the installation of additional locked security doors in our front foyer to allow even more control over building access. Our secondary security doors are now fully functional, and please see below for reminders of other important campus security safeguards we have in place at Lakewood.
Stallion Strong,
Principal Thompson