Welcome to a new exciting year. Below is information that can help answer your questions regarding DISD COVID-19 safety protocols (no change since May). Keep in mind DISD policy regarding Covid might change quickly, and we will update our guidelines if changes occur. If you have any questions, you may contact Nurse Sundin at jsundin@dallasisd.org or 972-749-7309.
Covid-19 protocol when your student tests positive:
If your student tests positive for Covid-19, you will have to let Nurse Sundin know immediately. She does contact tracing and must quarantine those who have been close contact with your student.
Persons who test positive for Covid-19 should:
-Isolate for 5 days regardless of vaccination status.
-Day 0 is the day symptom began or the day you tested positive.
-Return to school on day 6 if you are fever free and have improvement of symptoms.
-Continue wearing a mask for 6-10 days while around others.
Quarantine protocol for those who have been close contact to a confirmed person:
You need to let Nurse Sundin know if your student has been close contact with a confirmed Covid positive person.
-Quarantine at home from others for 5 days after exposure (exposure day is considered day 0)
-Monitor for symptoms for 10 days after contact with positive person.
-Test for Covid if symptoms develop.
-Test day 5 before returning to school. Return to school day 6 after exposure if test is negative and no symptoms.
Students who are fully vaccinated to Covid do not have to quarantine.
If a student tests positive in the classroom, only those students who have been within 3 ft of the student will be contacted and considered close contacts. If the exposed student is not vaccinated and is not wearing a mask, they will have to quarantine for 5 days.
Absences due to Covid
Please contact Nurse Sundin for your student’s absence to be excused. Nurse Sundin will let CRC, admin and student’s teacher know when they will be allowed back to campus.
Virtual Learning
Currently there is no virtual learning option for students who are off campus. Please contact your student’s teacher regarding work they can do while they are at home.
Sick students
If your student shows symptoms of illness they should NOT come to school. Your student needs to meet the following criteria before returning to school:
-Fever free for 24 hours without fever reducing medication
-Improvement of symptoms
-No vomiting or diarrhea for 24 hours and able to tolerate food and drink normally.
Please contact your child’s provider if you are concerned and whether Covid-19 testing might be recommended.
We appreciate everyone’s effort in keeping students healthy and not exposing other students to illness.
As always,
Stay Stallion Strong!
Nurse Sundin
jsundin@dallasisd.org or 972-749-7309.