1) Tardy and T-99 Times:
If your child feels sick and comes in late after 8:20 am to school, they will accrue a T-99 partial day absence.
Official school hours are 8:00 to 3:15. If they arrive after 8:00 am they will be marked tardy, if they come in after 8:20 am they will be marked a T-99 excessive tardy and after 10:30 a full day absence.
2) Cell Phones/Apple Watches:
We understand that some students are contacting their parents and requesting pick up when they are not feeling well. Please be mindful, there is a protocol in place, for when a child does not feel well. Students must be seen by the nurse, and Nurse Sundin will determine if students need to be sent home, and she will contact parents. If students leave before seeing the nurse, they are marked accordingly by the time they leave, either T-99 or full day absence. Please be mindful that teachers must also send students to the nurse and will not be determining the decision to send a child home. This decision must come from our wonderful nursing staff.
3) Passport Appointments:
Are not excusable absences any longer since these appointments can be done after school and on Saturday. Citizenship and court-ordered appointments are still excused.